Tooth Nerve Pain: Triggers and Treatment

Whether it’s a sharp, stabbing sensation or a dull ache, tooth nerve pain can take the enjoyment out of eating. Identifying which foods are most likely to trigger a painful reaction helps reduce your suffering, but tooth sensitivity is often a sign of a deeper...

Why Men Should Also Care for Their Smiles

Men today are less likely than women to take care of their smiles, according to the American Dental Association. This is a problem because men are still vulnerable to the dental issues that can destroy their oral health. In fact, statistics show that men are more...

What To Do in a Pediatric Dental Emergency

If your child is currently experiencing a dental emergency, we are here to help you! Dental emergencies can be a bit scary, which is why we first recommend that you stay calm and try to sooth your child. Then, call [practice_name] at [phone] as soon as possible. Until...

How to Take Care of Your Temporary Crown

Our team at [practice_name] cares for you and your smile, and we want you to have the best dental experience possible. However, sometimes the treatment time is delayed because our team needs to make a customized dental restoration for you. If you are repairing your...
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