Schedule Your Spring Cleaning!

Schedule Your Spring Cleaning!

While you may think that regular, bi-annual dental hygiene appointments are unnecessary, they are vital to your health. You do a great job brushing and flossing at home, but it is not enough. If you are skipping out on cleanings, you are skipping out on your health....
Flossing 101

Flossing 101

We get it….You HATE TO floss. During your cleanings, you promise that you floss regularly. Your mouth says otherwise. You are cheating yourself out of great oral health! Flossing removes hidden plaque and debris between your teeth. When you skip out on the floss, you...
How To: Get Healthy Smiles in 2018

How To: Get Healthy Smiles in 2018

Another year has come and gone. 2018 is in full swing! With the start of another year, are you contemplating any new year resolutions? Sure- we know the typical ones. You want to eat better and exercise more. You are going to kick all of those bad habits. On the...
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